Friday 23 May 2014

Yo Mamma Jokes.

Obviously these originated in the American South. Even today it is a widely used expression which I believe is of endearment.
Around the world, we visualise Yo Mamma as a somewhat large jovial traditional black lady - looking after the house a swishing the kids and dogs from under her feet.
I went to Atlanta with my brother Cliff, who I recently and suddenly lost from Cancer, the week after that terrible occasion of 9/11.
We should of gone that weekend but with all air traffic was grounded so we could not cross the Atlantic and so it was rearranged for a week later.
One morning down at breakfast, our waitress was what we saw as our typical yo mamma.
She was a lot younger but already had the genetic stature that she could of played the role of Big Mamma. Her personality was unbelievable, funny, smiling, polite and basically I would imagine - uniquely wonderful.
Anyway - assessing her good jovial nature- on the 2nd morning I decided to tell her a joke.
I asked her if it had been in the American News about the young lady in London who had gotten two of Britain's top gynaecologist's completely baffled.
She had suffered with a lady's problem and only being 25yrs old, her parents had some money, so they sent her up to Harley Street, where all the eminent specialists practice.
The specialist examined her and was baffled.
He asked her if he could get a second opinion, to which of course she agreed.
Now during all this time all the surrounding tables had gone quiet from their various conversations over breakfast- so I raised my voice slightly.
Both the specialist 's were completely baffled as they had found a small mouse in one of her Fallopian Tubes.
With this the rather large lady at the table next to my right let her mouth fall open in disgust and real disbelief!
The problem was they could not work out how it had got past her Pussy.
Well there was a loud murmuring and restrained laughter- but loud with a few - as it turned out that most of the dining room who could hear, had been listening- and I was not a comedian or indeed a good joke teller- which shows how easy it is for an accomplished comedian to hold an audience without much work if they are good.
At the punch line of they joke - the big black mamma burst into laughter and lightly clipped me across the head with her waiting towel and quickly left to recompose herself. Brilliant, as this was how I understood in my mind - what was a Yo Mamma!
The Joker.

About the Author

I have compiled some downloadable adult joke books that will save you hours of trawling through the net, which could be dangerous if the boss catches you. You can download, save, print to take with you on your travels or read at your convenience. If you visit my site you can get oo's free jokes on some joke sheets. regards The Joker.

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